'/> Resep Orek tempe simple :) yang Lezat - Jawatan Memasak

Resep Orek tempe simple :) yang Lezat

Easy Tempe Orek :)

Easy arek tempeh :) Need simple steps to make a special antifreeze? New mothers who are already accustomed to using the Internet on their cell phones are constantly receiving information that will help them to understand. And this time I will share the steps on how to present a simple presentation. How Tempeh Arek works :) You can damage your tongue, it is very difficult and easy to do. If you think wrong, the result will be disgusting and even uninteresting. Simply :) A very sweet aroma and strawberry that stimulates our taste during the Orek Tempe.

There are many factors that can affect the quality of the field Tempe Areke, from the type of ingredients, to the choice of fresh ingredients, prepared and presented. You don't have to worry if you want to make a simple temper :) This dish can be special because you know the technique at home. The following image is about Simple Tempe Arek :) You can find ideas for this.

Well, at this point we are trying to create a simpler temperature in our home. By making the foods simpler, this food can benefit your body and your family. You can make simple areca tempeh :) with 11 ingredients in 2 cooking steps. How to prepare the dish.

Baca Juga

The ingredients and spices used for Areca Tempeh are simple.

  1. 1 hour ago
  2. 3 red pepper
  3. 5 Cayenne pepper (you can use more spice or depending on your taste)
  4. 3 quintals of garlic
  5. 5 cloves onion
  6. 1 grain brown sugar
  7. Enough sweet soy
  8. Enough spices
  9. To taste salt
  10. Vegetable oil
  11. 100 ml headphones

Steps to set up Areca Tempeh are simple :)

  1. Cut the tampon into cubes / lengths according to your taste, after you have prepared the oil to fry, place the tampon in the hot oil, do not allow the tampon to dry, just take it later.
  2. Cut all the onions and peppers and add the chopped brown sugar and water to taste. Add the soy sauce until slightly thickened. Maybe just? Good luck😍

Don't you want to? Is it easy? Here's how to make a simple arek-temper that you can make at home :) Happy!

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