Resep Orek tempe Anti Gagal
Looking for inspiration for a unique anti-failure Orek recipe?, Bayagamana Making the Perfect Tempeh Orek is just in time and in demand by many people around us, you might be one of them. smartphone not connected to internet for internet users. and this time I will give you a guide on how to combine simple steps to make tempeh orek that makes drool to do it easily but it is also not easy. If you process it incorrectly, the result will not be satisfactory and the snack will not taste good. Although the correct tempeh orek has an aroma and taste that our seller can appreciate.
There are many things that affect the taste of orek tempeh, the quality of the ingredients, the choice of ingredients, and the choice of ingredients to serve. You don't have to worry if you want to make delicious orek tempeh at home, because if you know the trick, this dish can be a very special dish. Below is a photo of Orek Tempe where you can see the idea.
Well, this time we're going to give it a try, let's create an Orek tempo at home. With simple ingredients, this meal can be healthy for your family. Onda can cook tempeh orek at ages 13 and 3. Here are the steps to make the dish.
I don't like tempeh, but when it's cooked this way, it's delicious, just add more rice.
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Ingredients and Materials Needed to Make Orek Tempeh:
- tempe
- Bye Bye
- lemongrass
- this is some nonsense
- flattened tongue
- assam java time
- red iris of greed
- sweet soy sauce
- Salt, seasoning
- hello bumbo
- Red onion
- garlic
- red match
Steps for making tempeh orek
- Cut the tempeh, fry until dry, drain.
- Mix the spices and then saute with bay leaf, lemongrass, cheeprek lime leaves until fragrant with tamarind water.
- Add water, chopped brown sugar, sweet soy sauce, thickened celery water, seasonings, then add tempeh, stir to taste.
Thanks for reading the recipe. We hope that the mutah orek tempeh described above will help you prepare an interesting meal for your family/friends or turn it into a culinary experience. To make you happy!